Playgroup will be back on Monday 22 February 2021. Here are some new rules for playgroup due to Covid-19.
We are unable to do a shared morning tea anymore, however we have purchased some pre-packaged items that are ok to have at morning tea, for example individual packets of rice crackers, popcorn and musli bars. You will need to bring your own water bottle and any other items you may want your child to eat for morning tea.
The sign in sheet has also changed and needs to be signed with a time in and time out, so this will now need to be signed when you arrive and when you leave. The sign in sheet has changed to include the Covid-19 questions so when you sign in you are automatically answering no to these questions. All families attending the playgroup need to be a member of playgroup QLD, membership through the school is free. I will have forms available for everyone to fill in if needed. We now also have a members contact details form that will also need to be filled in due to Covid-19.
Parents using the baby change facilities are to use the antibacterial wipes or disinfectant to wipe it down after use. Any toys that children put in their mouths need to be cleaned before any other children use them. I will have disinfectant wipes available for this and will also have a basket to put them in to be cleaned after use. I will have hand sanitizer available to use before touching any shared toys or items at playgroup, items can then be wiped down with disinfectant wipes. Parents must social distance while at playgroup and if you or your child are sick or display symptoms of Covid-19, no matter how mild, you must stay home. If you have been in close contact with a person who has Covid-19 or a person who has been tested for Covid-19 and does not have the results of the test, you should not attend this playgroup.
I will have a copy of the Covid-Safe plan for any parents to read if they wish at playgroup.
Miss Melissa.